Saturday, April 2, 2022

Negotiating salaries

Congratulations on getting your job offer! But now the hard part has arrived – negotiating salaries. If you’re not sure how to go about this, we’ve compiled a few tips you can follow: 

Don’t accept the offer in a hurry Many companies offer a lower pay scale the first time around because they expect you to negotiate with them. Accepting the first offer in a hurry will prevent you from getting better pay, which the employer may have been willing to offer. 

You can once again discuss in brief the unique skills you bring to the table and what you can offer. Additionally, by using your researched pay limits as a guide, you’ll be able to make an educated claim about why you deserve this pay. 5. Ask for additional benefits in exchange for a lower salary Let’s say your employer is not willing to budge from a certain number. Then consider asking them to offer you more non-monetary benefits in lieu of the salary. These could be in the form of company-paid mobile network, company laptop, company car, in-office creche facilities, in-office cafeteria or gym and so on. 

Sometimes, these benefits are worth high because they allow you to create a good quality of life, despite not having a higher paycheck. 6. Request for the final offer to be shared in writing Finally, as a rule, always ensure that you get your final offer in writing. Having the salary and benefits negotiated sent in writing either through email or snail mail, can give you legal coverage, if on the off-chance an employee defaults on what they have promised you.

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